Our pharmacy services

A range of pharmacy services provided by Pharmacyspace

NHS pharmacy services

Direct to you door


Helping you manage your repeat prescriptions

Delivering pharmacy services and medicines directly to you. Free delivery of NHS prescription medicines.

Helping you receive and manage your medicines easier and so you can get on with your day.

Consultation and advice from trained pharmacists.


Care home services

Offering a wide range of pharmaceutical services to care homes. Whether your care home is large or small, we can tailor our package of services to meet your needs.

Our unique service can support you in delivering a high quality

personalised service for the residents you care for, and makes

managing medication one less challenge for you.

Our services

Medication Management System which can be tailored to your needs.

Same day delivery of interim medication together with MAR chart.

Support and advice on medication administration, handling and storage.

Support and advice on the development and implementation of medication related policies and procedures.

Access to expert medicines information for both residents and care staff.

Support and advice promoting healthy living amongst residents.

Private Services

A range of private services

Offering a range of private prescription serivces.